Sunday, February 24, 2008

Big Island 2007

As if Alaska in August wasn't enough, the Porter Family headed to Big Island of Hawaii with our good friends Scott, Tracy, Zayne and Allegra Gohl. As the pictures show, we had a fantastic time. What is not seen here are the shots of Vivi's 450# blue marlin, which hopefully get posted some time in the near future...

Click here and go for the slideshow!


jenny bo benny said...

looks like you did a little bit of everything on this trip--nice! my favorite photos are the 2 kids holding hands--so cute. my husband is from hawaii. kailua (oahu) so we go every year i guess. i've only ever been to oahu and maui. maybe one of these times we'll get to the big island though...

Anonymous said...

We had such a great time with you guys in Hawaii. Wish we could do this all the time!!!