Saturday, June 26, 2010

Grace's 6th Birthday Celebration at Encinitas Country Day

For a girl who always wanted to be five, Grace sure did enjoy her 6th Birthday celebration with her kindergarten friends at ECDS. Mrs. Maggie and Ms. Gaby were truly wonderful teachers for Grace and her class is such a great group of kids. It just feels that Grace has some friends for life in this bunch.

Credit V for the excellent outdoor photos. Grace, you can scarcely fathom what a wonderful year this will be for you.  (Click on the Slideshow then Click "Full Screen" so you can see the shots close up.)

Our Winter Trip

After Christmas we visited the Stricklands at their new home in Texas...highlights involved telling them about the Pea in Vivi's Pod, and a trip to freeze with the Grinch who Stole Christmas....

then headed east to visit Evelyn and Susan's families!