We, the Buena Vista Athletic Club, just held our annual poker, fishing, beer-golf smackdown this weekend at KQ Ranch and on Lake Cuyamaca. Our name is in its "beta" stages, but this team has been in place more or less going back well into the Eighties. Now, the "Fishing on Boyd's Birthday" thing has been going on for nearly 10 years, and we've really just settled into Lake Cuyamaca and KQ Ranch outside of Julian over the past 4 years. In Boydo's infinite wisdom, this year we went on my birthday, pushing the trip up from mid December to early November. As you can see from the pics, the weather was awesome - no ice on the docks as we've seen in December - and the lake was holding rich and amenable populations of trout and catfish, as well as bass, blugill and crappie.
So, without any further ado, the results are in:
First Fish (aka The Getting off the Schneid Award) - Boyd
Jackpot - Boyd with his Day 1 Lunker
Beer Golf Day 1 Champ - Molnar
Poker Night 1 - Porter takes 2 out of 3
Beer Golf Day 2 Champ - Anderson (under typical collusionary circumstances)
Poker Night 2 Round 1 Winner - Smalley, who played the remaining hands in a semi-passed out state
Learn To Drive A Boat Award - Jeff Boyd
Hot Hand Award - Molnar with 5 trout, 2 catfish, and his impressive Beer Golf Day 1 Drubbing

Until next year..