Last weekend I spent three days in east San Diego County to retreat and fish while Vivi and Grace visited Grandma Kay and Grandpa Booth in Seattle. I scouted out the Palomar Mountain campsite we have reserved for the weekend of June 6, fished Doane Pond, Lake Cuyamaca, the San Luis Rey River and Green Valley Creek.
The fish you see in this album are from Doane Pond, the place my Dad taught me to fish back in the 1970s. Dad, those are great memories, so thank you!
And thanks to the folks at sandiegotrout.org, a net prevents the trout stocked in Doane Pond from intruding on the habitat of native rainbow trout in Pauma Creek. I'm a big believer of preserving the environments of our finny friends, be it in our lakes, streams or ocean, so good going guys!